TWO troubled Middlesbrough estates will share £696,611.01-worth of Government funding to beat crime and antisocial behaviour over the next two years.
The Home Office has announced that Hemlington and Pallister Park will share in Safer Streets 4 funding.
The project is spearheaded by the Office of Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner and Middlesbrough Council. It will fund a range of community safety measures.
Initiatives are aimed at cutting criminal damage, arson, attacks on emergency services, serious violence, burglary, drug use and drug dealing in public places.
Fantastic News
Cleveland PCC Steve Turner said: “Receiving this funding is fantastic news for Hemlington and Pallister Park.
“We want to target the worst-hit areas of Cleveland to make the most difference to people’s lives.
“Both Hemlington and Pallister Park have been identified as having some of the worst problems in the force area with antisocial behaviour (ASB.) We know ASB can ruin lives, communities and businesses.”
Councillor Tony Grainge, Middlesbrough Council’s Executive member for Neighbourhood Safety, said: “This is brilliant news. We’ve already seen the impact of Safer Streets on reducing crime and making communities safer.
“With the right initiatives and funding we can and will stamp out anti-social behaviour on behalf of decent, law-abiding residents.
“We’re already making a big difference, and this can only strengthen the work that’s already being done.”
Measures include:
- More CCTV in both Hemlington and Pallister Park
- Closing the footpath under Cass House Road, Hemlington, which is seen as a magnet for crime and antisocial behaviour (ASB.)
- Blocking off 19 footpaths under “flying bedrooms” in Hemlington to deter drug dealing, antisocial behaviour and arson near people’s homes
- Intensive work by Cleveland Fire Brigade with young people on both estates, who have either been caught starting fires or show signs that they may do so in future.
- Fitting extra lighting around Norfolk Place shops in Pallister Park
- Cutting back trees and installing extra lighting around Hemlington Lake
- Fitting barriers at various entry/exit points onto Hemlington to stop stolen cars being set alight as well as motor and quad bikes causing nuisance
- Home security measures for vulnerable households in both areas to prevent them from becoming victims
- Blocking off “rat runs” at four key locations around Hemlington
- Fitting barriers opposite St Timothy’s Church, in Hemlington, to limit vehicle access
- Research into youth facilities with a view to improving community sports facilities, initially in Hemlington then later in Pallister Park

Key target for Cleveland Police
Hemlington has been identified as the key target area for Cleveland Police with the highest antisocial behaviour (ASB) rates in Middlesbrough (127.2 incidents per 1000 residents in 2021/22).
In other areas of Middlesbrough, ASB has reduced during the pandemic and remains at the lowest rates recorded in five years. However, issues in Hemlington have escalated.
The PCC has already invested £40k in crime prevention on the estate.
Violence against the person and criminal damage are the most frequently reported crimes in Pallister Park and Berwick Hills ward. Almost half of victims are aged between 20 and 39 years.
In 2021 to 2022, 13.36 per cent of crimes in Pallister Park and Berwick Hills recorded the use of a type of weapon. That’s an increase compared to 8.3 per cent in 20/21 and 6.2 per cent in 2019 to 2020.
Deliberate fires have also increased in 2021 to 2022. There were a total of 203 incidents – up 47 per cent from 2020 to 2021 when there were 138 incidents.
Cleveland PCC has been instrumental in securing funding, totalling £2.46m, from all four rounds of the Home Office’s Safer Streets programme.