The current SARC model for victims across Cleveland was introduced in 2007.
That followed financial commitments from Cleveland Police Authority (CPA) and the four Tees Primary Care Trusts (PCTs).
The PCT funding and CPA funding is now held by NHS England Health & Justice Cumbria and the North East and the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland.
Both NHSE and the OPCC wish to build on joint funding arrangements first started in 2007 by CPA and the four PCTs.
This is in line with current national guidance on commissioning sexual assault services. Guidance advocates the development of collaborative commissioning arrangements between PCCs and NHS England.
Commissioners have a duty to reduce inequalities and work together to improve outcomes for the public.
A decision was made for the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland to lead on the tender process for Teesside SARC, Teesside ISVA and regional crisis worker service to start on 1st April 2018.
Following consultation with neighbouring PCCs, it was agreed that Northumbria, Durham and North Yorkshire were to be named on the procurement to enable future collaboration for the services.
Crisis worker provision for Northumbria and Durham was included from the start of procurement.
Consultation with key stakeholders including service users followed. That was to ensure that the service specification would meet all needs. A specification for SARC and ISVA was then drawn up.
Additional Service user involvement in the form of focus groups ran via a number of local voluntary sector specialist sexual violence services.
Service users were invited to respond to a range of questions from the commissioners in relation to service proposals. They were included in the consultation to make sure the specification included the victim’s voice.
An open tender was carried out using EU Supply as the tender portal. The contract was advertised in Contract Finder and OJEU as per the Public Procurement Regulations 2015.
An open tender is a competitive exercise where a tender is advertised and all bidders showing an interest can access information and submit a bid.
Decision DRF-56703. Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) contract (application, 543kB)