FOI Request
can you tell me how the Eston hills project is funded for all involved,& how long will money be spent on the project in the term of wks ,mths,yrs,
FOI Response
This request has been handled under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
Regarding your request I can now inform you that I have completed my enquiries and that my reply on behalf of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland is as follows.
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does hold some of this information.
However I am refusing your request under s21 of the Act.
The purpose of the s21 exemption is to ensure that there is no right of access to information via FOIA if it is available to the applicant by another route.
Section 21 is an absolute exemption which means there is no requirement to carry out a public interest test if the requested information is exempt.
The recorded information we hold can be found at the following weblink:
The Commissioner’s involvement in Eston Hills is to Chair a group working together to tackle issues of criminality in the area, the group includes Cleveland Police & Crime Commissioner, the local MP Anna Turley, local councillors; and representatives from Cleveland Fire Brigade, Cleveland Police, Redcar & Cleveland Council, Friends of Eston Hills, and the Ice and Fire archaeology project.
Each of the parties concerned will offer help and assistance in varying forms some physical and some financial. The first web link shows the decision by the Police and Crime Commissioner to offer certain monies to assist in part of this project. As for the other partner organisations in this project we would not hold any recorded information on their activities, you would need to contact these organisations independently to see what their contributions are.
Date responded: 22 September 2017