FOI Request
Under the freedom of information act can you shed some light on the misinformation that appeared in the “Teesside live saying that there were no problems in Gresham and there had been No 999 calls.
The reporter is [redacted information], I also get the same response from [redacted information], so can you also include [redacted information] n the reply
Whilst we reported the incidents to the police and other residents reported the event.
I refer to the mob there was between 30 to 40 that were fighting with sticks and sweeping brushes there were children and women involved. This was a very frightening experience to both me and my wife.
I find this very strange as I thought that all 999 calls were recorded or is there some political interference to play down the upset these incidents cause.
FOI Response
I can confirm that the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland does not hold this information.
Statistical information about how many calls have been received by Cleveland Police is not held by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner but by Cleveland Police themselves.
With your consent, I am more than happy to transfer your request to Cleveland Police. Alternatively, you can submit your request to
Date responded: 11 April 2019