FOI request
Please send me updated results of the Heroin Assisted Treatment project, preferably the same chart as included here but with figures accurate as of today or whenever the treatment ended:
OPCC response
Updated results from the Heroin Assisted Treatment (HAT) Project are not available from 13 November 2020 in the format you request.
To provide some clarity, I can confirm that OPCC grant funding arrangements for HAT came to a natural end on 30 September 2021 and our involvement in the running of the scheme also ended at this time.
After this time the OPCC continued to remain engaged in HAT partnership meetings only, as a result we continued to have access to limited information up until July 2022 including:
- Prior to HAT engagement – Detected Offences
- Prior to HAT engagement – Time spent in prison
- During HAT treatment – Detected Offences