CLEVELAND Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) Steve Turner is now spearheading the national drive to put policing at the heart of every community.
Steve has just been approved as Joint Lead for Local Policing by members of the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners (APCCs.) He sits jointly with Jeff Cuthbert, who is PCC for Gwent, in Wales.
The role gives Steve a national profile to speak on subjects like neighbourhood and community policing, antisocial behaviour, community safety partnerships and local resilience forms.

He said: “This new role at national level touches on a number of my priorities in Cleveland’s Police and Crime Plan.
“They include putting more police on Cleveland’s streets and tackling antisocial behaviour head-on.
“Having this role really allows me to discuss the issue of local policing in more depth, look at the issues and find out what other force areas are doing to improve community policing.”
Steve is already joint APCC Lead for Serious Violence. He is also the Chair of the Violence Reduction Unit’s Sport, Youth and Serious Violence Prevention Board. In addition, Steve is on the board of the Police Digital Service (PDS.)