CLEVELAND’S Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC), Steve Turner, is funding a north east charity which aims to give racism the boot.
Mr Turner has agreed to give Show Racism the Red Card (SRTRC) £20k-worth of funding to deliver anti-racism workshops across Cleveland over the next year.
And to show their support, staff in the PCC’s office wore red on Show Racism the Red Card’s annual Wear Red Day on 22 October 2021.
SRTRC delivers anti-racism awareness workshops using a sports-based model involving current and ex professional footballers.
This year’s funding will allow the charity to work with hundreds of children in schools and youth-focused organisations from now until next August.
Workshops will focus on delivering:
- Better understanding of racism and its impacts;
- Increased awareness of the responsibility to challenge racism and how to do it;
- Better understanding of appropriate and inappropriate language in relation to race;
- Increased awareness of critical thinking and how to use it when challenging stereotypes and recognising media bias.
Funding will also support two football club events involving Middlesbrough Football Club, Hartlepool Football Club and local schools.
Cleveland PCC Steve Turner said: “Show Racism the Red Card is doing a great job, using football to bring people together.

“It’s important that we discuss racism and give people the skills they need to have open and honest conversations, which go beyond simple stereotypes, and look at ways to combat all forms of hatred within our communities.
“Tackling the issue with young people as early as possible means that they have all of the tools to recognise racism, prejudice and stereotyping and challenge it wherever they see it.”
Workshops aim to:
- Educate young people about the causes and consequences of racism and explore its various forms;
- Empower young people to challenge racism in their communities by providing them with the knowledge and information to do this;
- Help young people prepare to play an active role in a multi-cultural society;
- Enable young people from all backgrounds to develop good relationships and respect each other