Cleveland residents can now access data that tells them exactly how well their police force is doing in reducing violence, disrupting drug supply and improving satisfaction of victims.
As part of new statutory responsibilities placed on Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs), information must be published on how police forces perform against the National Priorities for Policing.
These measures are set by the Home Office. They include the number of murders, violent incidents and neighbourhood crimes in a force area. Cleveland Police must also provide context on what they are doing to tackle and reduce these offences.
Cleveland data from October and December 2021 is already published online. The Commissioner’s Office set to receive the latest statistics from the force in May.
The information is just one way, in which Cleveland PCC Steve Turner holds the Chief Constable to account for providing an effective police service in Cleveland. Now residents can see the data for themselves.
Steve said: “My main focus has always been to put pride back into Cleveland Police and an important element of that is ensuring the public know how their force is performing.
“Every quarter, I will ask the force to provide me with the latest data against the National Priorities for Policing. As soon as I can, I will publish them for local residents to see and make their own minds up.”
Latest Figures
Steve’s commitment to transparency comes as Cleveland Police’s latest crime figures are published by the Office of National Statistics (ONS.)
ONS figures show that Cleveland has the highest crime rate (excluding fraud) per 1,000 population in England and Wales
The annual per head of population rate in Cleveland to the end of December 2021 was 123.4. That compares to the England and Wales average of 85.5.
It marks a 3.48 per cent rise on the annual rate released by the ONS in January.
Steve said: “On the surface, the latest ONS figures are appalling. I will be scrutinising them to ensure we have the detail needed to challenge the force fairly on this performance.

“I have always said our force has a mountain to climb. I am doing everything possible to ensure we have the resources and environment we need to succeed.
“I’ve secured funding for a violence reduction unit, extra funds for hot spot policing and we are recruiting hundreds of additional officers.
“Our new Chief Constable has the skill and experience needed to deliver a vastly improved performance and service for our residents. He also has a team of officers across the force who will all be as disappointed as I am that Cleveland sits in this position.
“I’m confident that in the coming weeks and months, we will deliver a vastly improved set of results and turn the tide of crime in Cleveland.”
Residents can access information about Cleveland Police’s performance, responses to national HMICFRS inspections and data on complaints against the force here:
*All figures supplied by ONS are per 1,000 of population