Police and Crime Commissioner Steve Turner was elected in May 2021. As PCC, he has a responsibility to develop a Police and Crime Plan, which sets the blueprint for policing and community safety in Cleveland for his term of office.
Steve’s Plan aims to:
- Put the pride back into Cleveland Police
- Make Cleveland a safe place for those who live and work here
The Plan will act as a strategic direction for Cleveland Police, who will now be measured on their performance against the plan on a regular basis.
Steve worked closely with criminal justice agencies, local partners and victim organisations in developing his three-year plan. He also consulted widely with Cleveland’s communities, to ensure the Plan best met the needs of our communities.
The Commissioner’s 10-Point Plan
Steve’s plan has ten key objectives to help reduce crime and support victims in Cleveland.
Whilst all ten objectives are of equal importance, following our consultation with Cleveland’s communities, they have been listed in order of importance to them.
They are:
• Bringing offenders to justice;
• Getting tough on drugs and gangs;
• Tackling anti-social behaviour head-on;
• Helping to provide an effective police and criminal justice system;
• Preventing, reducing and tackling serious violence;
• Putting more police on the streets;
• Tackling violence against women and girls;
• Building confidence in Cleveland’s communities;
• Providing effective, quality support for victims and witnesses;
• Using technology to combat crime.
Police and Crime Plan 2021-24 (application, 15MB)
Easy read and alternative language versions of the Plan can be accessed here