Chief Constable Richard Lewis was appointed on a Fixed Term Appointment (FTA) commencing 29 April 2019, running for five years to 29 April 2024.
We both indicated at the time of appointment that we recognised the importance to Cleveland’s public not only of exceptional strategic leadership but also of the need for long-term stability in the role.
In June 2019, I issued a Strategic Direction. Among other matters, it requires the Chief Constable to deliver a Strategic Assessment of the Force and a plan for addressing the necessary changes to restore the Force to sound operational and corporate health. Mr Lewis has done so.
We have discussed — and I have considered — an extension to his FTA. I have determined that it is in the public interest to offer to extend the term to the maximum extent permitted by law, which is three further years. Mr Lewis accepted that offer.
Mr Lewis has further agreed that:
- In accordance with my Strategic Direction, a shared vision will be embedded in respect of openness, transparency and effective co-working between Cleveland Police and the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner. This will underpin good governance and form the basis of an enhanced ability for the current and future PCC to hold Cleveland Police to account in the public interest.
- He will deliver a regular review of the Chief Constable’s Strategic Assessment with an annual report to the Police & Crime Commissioner.
- There will be alignment of the Chief Constable’s personal Performance and Development Review objectives to the Road to Improvement and the Strategic Assessment. This will allow the Police & Crime Commissioner to hold the Chief Constable personally and corporately to account for delivery of the unprecedented range of improvements necessary in respect of the Force.
Accordingly, this Decision Record Form records my decision to extend the FTA in respect of Chief Constable Lewis, to expire on 29 April 2027.