Justice First is a charity which was formed in 2006 working with people in the Tees Valley who are seeking asylum.
They hold an annual, multi-cultural football tournament and have requested funding from the PCC to contribute towards the event. This year’s tournament will take place on Saturday 13 June.
The significant and underpinning aim of this event is to promote community cohesion, reduce fear of crime/fear of authorities and enhance social integration between various social and cultural groups living in Teesside.
Organisations such as health services and the Police will be invited to attend and hold a stall.
Funding will pay for the pitch hire including referees for the day and catering and travel costs for the 200 people, who are expected to attend
This tournament supports the PCC’s objective of Securing the Future of our Communities
Decision 2020-199814-Funding for International Football Tournament (application, 79kB)