Nunthorpe and Marton Knitters is a community group based in Middlesbrough providing access to all.
The group has recently been making ‘Trauma Toys’ which are soft teddies that are handed out to children who come into contact with Cleveland Police, Victim Care and Advice Service and Teesside Sexual Assault Referral Centre (
The group has requested funding for materials to run a weekly pilot session for asylum seekers and refugees at St Andrews Church in Eston.
The knitting group has recently met with a local group of refugees and asylum seekers who are keen to join the knitting group which promotes community cohesion. The items purchased will include sewing and knitting materials.
This project supports the PCC’s objective of Securing the Future of Our Communities and reflects the PCC’s personal commitment to work with local communities.
Decision DRF-101196. Funding for Nunthorpe and Marton Knitters (application, 86kB)