The aim is to promote and enforce road safety across the force road network in line with NPCC and TISPOL campaigns.
This will deliver the national and local message. Campaigns will drive forward the PCC Road Safety for our community’s pledge and deliver the Working Together to Make Cleveland Safer objective.
The funding will target the fatal 4 contributing factors to road death and serious injury and make our communities a safer place. Campaigns will deliver the message to reduce death, serious and minor injuries in Cleveland and to commuting drivers nationally.
Enforcement will produce a proportion of cost recovery through education diversion schemes to further support Road Safety Initiatives.
A traffic officer has been ring fenced to be deployed in a marked and unmarked patrol car to carry out intelligence-led policing and patrol enforcement across all of the operations. Campaigns will be coordinated to identify, locate and deal with offenders on the road network across
Cleveland as well as having multi-agency days of action.
Funding will ensure operations go ahead supported by partner agencies at various times and locations.
Funding will support additional policing services and the delivery of the following campaigns:
- Speed Campaign (x2) at £2,000 (8 officer days) each
- CDG Campaign (x5) at £1,500 (6 officer days) each
- Operation Tramline (x4) at £1,000 (4 officer days) each
- Operation Trivium (x2) at £2,000 (8 officer days) each
- Operation Mermaid Truck/Bus (x3) at £1,000 (4 officer days) each
- Motorcycle Week (x2) at £1,000 (4 officer days) each
- Operation Rogue Trader at £1,000 (4 officer days)
- Drink/Drug Driving (x2) £3,000 (12 officer days) each
- Mobile phone Campaign (x2) at £1,500 (6nofficer days) each
- Project EDWARD (European Day Without A Road Death)
- No Insurance Campaign at £2,000 (8 officer days)
- Seatbelt Campaign at £2,000 (8 officer days)
Decision DRF-PDF-81677. Funding for road safety campaigns (application, 114kB)