Stockton-on-Tees Local Safeguarding Children Board (SLSCB) is a statutory body made up of organisations which work with children and young people.
It is the key mechanism for agreeing how relevant organisations in the local area will co-operate to safeguard and promote the welfare of children and for ensuring the effectiveness of what they do.
In terms of the priorities, these are based on:
- Preventing harm: tackling the root causes of neglect, with a focus on domestic abuse, drugs and alcohol and parental mental health.
- Protecting vulnerable children: reducing the risks of children and young people who are vulnerable, exploited, missing or trafficked (VEMT) or at risk of being VEMT.
For each of these priorities the Board’s role is based on oversight and assurance around its key roles:
- Ensuring coordination: that agencies are working together; sharing intelligence and information; have effective policies and procedures in place.
- Effective challenge: Assurances that practice is effective; that agencies have safeguarding audits are being undertaken and feedback is being sought from those who are receiving services or who are impacted by the issues.
- Enabling change: being assured that lessons are being learnt from audits and reviews and that practice and outcomes are improving as a result.
Funding provided by the PCC, facilitates towards the costs of carrying out the activities set out within the SLSCB Business Case (Appendix 1).
The PCC will receive regular updates on progress in line with terms and conditions of the grant agreement.
Decision DRF25514. Local Children Safeguarding Board Stockton (application, 600kB)