Authorised allowances are the expenses, which the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) can claim.
The expenses are for things like travel, which the PCC has to pay out of his/her pocket as a result of carrying out his/her duties.
The law determines what the PCC can claim by way of authorised allowances.
Paragraph 3 of Schedule 1 to the Police Reform and Social Responsibility Act 2011 (‘the 2011 Act’) says a PCC should be paid these allowances.
The Chief Executive closely examines expense claims. Claims for exceptional expenses need his approval.
In considering whether to grant approval, the Chief Executive takes into account whether:
- Exceptional circumstances demand additional support
- The PCC could have avoided the expense, or
- By refusing the claim, the PCC’s performance of her duties would be significantly impaired.

Publication of allowances
In law, PCCs must publish the allowances paid to them. Under paragraph 1(d) of the Schedule to the Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011, PCCs should publish:
- Their name, force area, financial year, month, date, claim reference numbers, type of expense, short description, details, amount claimed, amount reimbursed, amount not reimbursed, and the reason why a claim was not reimbursed.
For travel and subsistence expense claims, PCCs should publish:
- Date, place of origin, place of destination, category of journey, class of travel, mileage, length of hotel stay, category of hotel stay.
The Office of the PCC (OPCC) does not have to publish the expenses and expenditure of chief officers by law.
However, The OPCC voluntarily publishes expenses and expenditure for the Chief Executive and the Chief Finance Officer.