What personal information do we hold?
Photographs/and or video recordings (together referred to as ‘images’) are considered personal data if you can be identified from them.
When we take images of you, we will ask you to complete a form. This is to record your consent so we can use them for marketing and publicity purposes, or on occasions, for another stated reason.
If you provide your consent, we will hold your images, along with the information provided in the consent form. The information collected on the form may include the following:
- Identity data: name, age;
- Contact details data: email address, telephone number.
We will seek parental consent for images collected of children under the age of 16 years old.
How do we collect your personal information?
We may collect your personal information in images taken at events and through the consent form, which we will ask you to complete.
Why do we use your personal data?
The OPCC collects your name and age via a consent form. This is to formally record your consent and to confirm that you are over 16 years-old.
We may collect your email address or telephone number to seek further consent should we wish to use any images of you for a purpose other than that set out in the consent form.
The OPCC will only use your images for the specific purposes detailed in the consent form. In the future, if we want to use the images in a different way, we will contact you. We will use the contact details, which you have provided, to seek your permission.
We will not use your images in a different way if we do not have your contact details to enable us to obtain consent.
What is the legal basis for our use of your personal information?
The legal basis that we rely on to process your personal data is consent.
You have the right to withdraw your consent for processing at any time. To withdraw your consent, please contact us at pcc@cleveland.pnn.police.uk.
When we receive notification that you have withdrawn your consent, we will delete any images of you. The OPCC will not include such images in any future publications or materials.
We may be unable to remove your images from publications already in circulation but we will notify you if this is the case.
How do we handle your personal information?
We handle your personal information according to Part 2 of the UK Data Protection Act 2018. The Act applies the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards for the processing of data considered to be ‘general data’.
The OPCC holds your personal data securely on our computer systems or in physical files. Our staff, partners, contractors and volunteers can access your data when required to do so for a lawful purpose.
We commit to making sure personal and sensitive information about individuals is accurate, up to date, used only for the purpose intended and securely protected from inappropriate access.
the OPCC regularly reviews your personal information and assesses whether it is lawful for us to continue to retain it. We will securely destroy your information when it is no longer required for any purpose listed in this notice or there is no longer a lawful purpose for processing it.
We have a commitment to ensuring that you can find out about your personal information, be given access to it and have the right to challenge its accuracy.
Who do we share your personal information with?
The OPCC will not share your images with third parties, save for those covered by the consent form. Third parties may however receive/access your images by viewing the publication they were used in.
How do we keep your personal information safe?
The OPCC takes the security of your personal information very seriously.
We use a variety of security measures, including encryption and access controls. This is to help protect the security, integrity and availability of your information. We work hard to maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect information in line with the Act.
Only our staff and partner agency staff can access areas, where we store personal information. They are only accessible to those holding the appropriate identification.
How long will you keep my personal information?
We generally retain images for no longer than four years from the date the photograph or recording was taken.
However, if your image has been used in a publication or is published online, it may remain in circulation or accessible online indefinitely.