A key priority in the 2021-24 Police and Crime Plan is ‘Tackling antisocial (ASB) behaviour head on.’
As a result, the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) developed a dedicated, one-off ASB fund.
The fund looked at innovative ways to reduce and divert people away from ASB.
It also encouraged positive solutions to address and overcome the issues, which communities face.
Antisocial Behaviour Charity Fund
Funding was made available from from the Police Property Act Fund.
The Successful Applicants
ASBF funding was given to a total of seven charities. Successful projects included the following:
A Fresh Start. The Moses Project – £5,000
Based in Stockton, the charity works primarily with migrants and rough sleepers. Funding will be used to help at least 20 men to come off the streets of central Stockton and into rehabilitation – and as a result cut drug-related crime in the area.
Boys Brigade – £1,000
Based in Middlesbrough, the company plans to increase participation. The company works with young people in the 11-plus age group. It offers a range of activities including developing life skills and encouraging members to become good citizens.
The Wharton Trust – £5,000
Based in Dyke House, Hartlepool, the Trust will offer extra sessions focused on culture and creativity for young people and adults. Activities include the following: sessions on graffiti artwork, DJ’ing, rap and photography.
Community Ventures – £5,000
The club works with young people, aged 10 -16, living in East Middlesbrough. It will give young people the chance to learn digital and media skills
The Corner House Youth Project in partnership with Barnardos, Cultivate Tees Valley and ‘Lads like Us’ – £4,839
Based in Stockton, the project works with young men who have been involved in ASB. Participants are also vulnerable to child criminal exploitation (CCE). Engagement will be tailored to the needs of each individual.
The Shack – £5,000
Cash will pay for a week of activities including a sports camp, day trip and community action to clean up the environment in and around the Ragworth and Primrose Hill areas, of Stockton.
The Message Trust – £5,000
The charity will visit four schools in Stockton and Middlesbrough to discuss the dangers of carrying a weapon with pupils aged 11 to 17. The school tour will end with a No More Knives Concert.
Further Funding
The PCC received a further two applications for ASBF grant funding.
The applications did not fit ASBF criteria as applicants were not registered charities.
The PCC considered that the quality of the applications was high. He agreed to support them through the Community Safety Initiative Fund (CSIF. )
Applicants supported via the CSIF were as follows:
- Hartlepool Huskies – £5,000
- Hemlington Lynx – £5,000