The force has supported a number of Mutual Aid deployments between April 2016 and October 2016 which were not part of the budget set at the start of the year.
In line with national guidelines, Mutual Aid is charged to the force to whom the Mutual Aid is given.
The Force has incurred expenditure, that was not provided for when setting the 2016-17 budget in providing Mutual Aid, of £48,825.
The total amount to be reimbursed to Cleveland for providing these services is £66,004. This sum takes into account the full costs, in line with national charging agreements.
The Mutual Aid deployments have been as follows:
- Sporting Event – Sheffield Wednesday v Cardiff – South Yorkshire Police (£9,117)
- Operational Support – Operation Quarry – South Yorkshire Police (£2,995)
- Protest/March – Operation Quake – South Yorkshire Police (£8,284)
- Sporting Event – Sheffield Wednesday v Leeds (£6,524)
- Sporting Event – Hull City v Manchester United (£11,475)
- Protest/March – Operation Kinic (£3,644)
- Operational Support – Operation Jestbook (£6,786)
The Force is therefore requesting the release of £48,825, from the income to be recevied by the PCC, to pay for the additional costs that they have incurred in providing this Mutual Aid.
This will result in an increase in the budget available to the Chief Constable of £48,825 which will in turn ensure that the provision of Mutual Aid has not reduced the funding available to the Chief Constable for Policing within Cleveland.
The ‘over-recovery’ of income of £17,179 will lead to an underspend during 2016/17 and will be made available to support future financial plans.
Decision 17301. Mutual Aid to other police forces (application, 109kB)