Vacancies in the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)
The OPCC is a small team, which supports the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
Vacancies within the Cleveland Unit for the Reduction of Violence (CURV)
In April 2022, the Government announced that 20 police force areas across England and Wales would receive funding to support Violence Reduction Units (VRUs)
One of these VRUS was in Cleveland. The Government gave the Cleveland Police and Crime Commissioner £3.5m to establish Cleveland Violence Reduction Partnership (CURV.)

Tasked with leading and co-ordinating the local response to serious violence VRUs are responsible for delivering a ‘whole system’, public health approach to tackling violence.
CURV’s preventative approach to violence reduction includes the following:
- Multi-agency working
- Data sharing and analysis
- Engaging young people and communities
- Commissioning and developing evidence based- interventions
CURV’s work is supported by a range of complementary partnership action, with £1.4m of investment in ‘Grip’ activity. It supports the police to take additional enforcement activity in specific hotspot locations most affected by serious violence.
At a local level, preventing, reducing and tackling serious violence is a key priority in the PCC’s three-year Police and Crime Plan.
Nationally, the VRU programme forms a key part of the Government’s suite of action to tackle serious violent crime as set out in the Beating Crime Plan.
No vacancies
There are currently no vacancies within the CURV team – but watch this space!Vacancies with Cleveland Police
Cleveland Police wants to deliver the best possible policing.
In order to do that, it offers a range of paid and unpaid roles. They range from the Police Constable Degree Apprenticeship (PCDA,) for people wanting a career as a police officer, to voluntary roles in the Special Constabulary.
For more information, go to: Cleveland Police Careers