You can volunteer with the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) in a number of ways. We publish volunteering opportunities on this page.
Independent Ethics Committee Members
The Independent Ethics Committee aims to promote the highest standards of conduct in Cleveland Police.
The committee acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the force. Members provide a focus for education and support. They also give a measure of compliance against the force’s values.
Members’ skills and experience help senior leaders with decision making. They also improve the transparency of decisions.
New members get an induction pack and are supported during their first meetings.
Essential criteria
We are looking for candidates with the following:
- Willingness to attend meetings every two months;
- Connected to or interested in Cleveland;
- Not currently employed by a Chief Constable or PCC.
All applicants must have an interest in public service, ethics and holding the police to account.
How to apply
For a chat, please contact Committee Chair Dave Smith at
To apply, email: with the following details:
- Name and contact details;
- A few sentences about yourself
- A statement about why you are interested in joining the Committee in no more than 300 words.
We will invite shortlisted applicants for an informal interview.
IAG members
We are looking for people to join Independent Advisory Groups (IAGs) throughout Cleveland.
IAGs advise and support Cleveland Police on topics such as stop and search, community relations and diversity.
As a result, IAG members act as a ‘critical friend’ to police. They give independent insights on how policing may be seen by groups, which may be under-represented in decision making.
Committees are also a way for diverse communities to make their voice heard and impact on how police services are provided.
Cleveland Police has five IAGs. The Strategic IAG considers force-wide issues. Local IAGs cover the following areas:
- Hartlepool;
- Stockton;
- Middlesbrough;
- Redcar and Cleveland.
IAG members meet every two to three months. Special meetings can take place to discuss high-profile or emerging issues. All candidates must be vetted.
Membership Criteria
- Unpaid/voluntary
- Must be prepared to be vetted by Cleveland Police
- Able to attend meetings regularly.
How to apply
Please give a summary of your background, interests, community links and reasons for joining in no more than 200 words.
For further details and to apply, contact
Cleveland Youth Advisory Group (YAG)
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has just commissioned the Junction Foundation to run a Youth Advisory Group (YAG) for the next three years.
Cleveland YAG will work with the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC,) his office and Cleveland Police. Members will inform, support and shape current and future policing priorities via monthly meetings.
The Junction aims to recruit at least 25 young people, aged 14 to 18, before Christmas 2022 to take part.
YAG members will come from all four Cleveland boroughs and a range of backgrounds. In addition, they will also have a host of life experiences.
Anyone interested in becoming a member should contact Phil Dolphin, the Junction’s Lead for Youth and Participation, at
Deadline: Monday 12 December 2022.