Working with the police
A Police and Crime Commissioner aims to cut crime and deliver an effective and efficient police service. A PCC holds the Chief Constable to account, making police answerable to the communities they serve.
Youth Triage
Cleveland Youth Triage scheme aims to stop young people offending and getting involved in the criminal justice system.
Appropriate Adults
Appropriate adults are volunteers, who aim to safeguard the interests, rights, entitlements and welfare of vulnerable people in police custody.
Police scrutiny and accountability (SSA) Programme
The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has a responsibility to openly and transparently govern and scrutinise policing and crime issues in Cleveland.
Ethics Committee
The Cleveland Police Ethics Committee exists to promote the highest standards of ethical conduct within Cleveland Police.
Out of Court Disposal Scrutiny Panel
Out of Court Disposal (OoCD) are ways for police to deal with less serious, and often first time, offending that can be more appropriately handled without going to court.
Police precept
The police precept is what Cleveland residents pay towards the cost of policing, community safety and victims’ services as part of their annual Council Tax bill.
Divert Custody scheme
Cleveland Divert aims to divert first time and low-level offenders away from the criminal justice system. Divert supports them to address the underlying problems causing offending behaviour to help turn their lives around.
Independent Custody Visitors Scheme
Independent Custody Visitors carry out unannounced visits to police stations to check on the welfare of people in custody.