Executive Summary:
The PCC was required by legislation to propose a precept for 2013/14 to the Police and Crime Panel (PCP) by the 31st January and duly did. This proposal for a 1.99% increase in precept incorporated the Council Tax base information that the local councils are required by legislation to provide to the PCC by the 31st January each year. This was also done and the PCP approved the proposal from the PCC for a 1.99% increase in the police element of the Council Tax.
Subsequent to this process concluding the Office of the PCC has been informed that the Council Tax Base provided from Redcar and Cleveland Council was not correct and a revised figure has been issued.
This report therefore establishes the revised Council Tax Base for 2013/14 and deals with the decisions required from the PCC as a result of this change.
Decision 8-2013: Precept Implications 2013-14 (application, 623kB)