The North East Retail Crime Partnership is a Not For Profit organisation managed by the registered charity Northumbria Coalition against Crime.
NERCP acts as an information sharing and support network for the retail community and the police, operating across the North East Region.
£7,000.00 funding will enable NERCP to continue delivery of the following services and initiatives within Cleveland:
- One managed strategic platform for the business community, police and partners to find solutions to regional and local retail crime issues.
- One managed regional intelligence hub where retailers and police can share information safely and effectively to detect and prevent crime and disorder.
- One managed regional hub for local ShopWatch schemes to receive strategic and operational support.
- The identification of prolific, travelling and organised offenders involved in retail crime and the effective tackling of offender displacement.
- Timely, intelligence led initiatives and campaigns aimed at the business community and general public e.g. purse dipping, counterfeit currency.
- Diverting young people from retail crime.
- Promotion of restorative approaches within the business community when dealing with retail crime.
- Delivery of training and education to raise awareness of M.O’s offenders, crime series/trends etc.
- Co-ordination and management of regular events to raise the profile of retail crime and recognise the work being done throughout the region and the UK.
- Recognition of units and individuals delivering outstanding contribution to tackling retail crime.
In addition to this, £5,635.00 funding will be utilised to establish a ShopWatch scheme in Stockton town centre. This will incorporate one day a week of NERCP staff time to:
- Engage with local business and enroll them to the scheme
- Provide strategic support for the scheme
- Run the Management Committee
- Produce Intelligence Packs for local retailers
- Establish an Information Sharing Agreement between local retailers and Cleveland Police
Stockton has been identified as a high priority area for engagement with retailers due to the levels of crime and antisocial behaviour in the town centre area.
This £5,635.00 funding will be a single payment to establish the scheme, with the expectation that retailers will contribute from 2018/19 enabling the scheme to be self sustaining.
Decision 27405. Retail Crime Partnership funding (application, 134kB)