The Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) has a contract with Hartlepool Council to manage the National Driver Offender Re-Training Scheme (NDORS) in Cleveland.
Hartlepool Council runs the contract on a not-for-profit basis. In doing so, it gives funds back to the PCC to invest in road safety initiatives.
In line with arrangements put in place by the PCC, the Cleveland Road Safety Partnership assesses any bids for the NDORS funding. Members recommend bids they support and believe will deliver positive road safety outcomes.
Bids supported by the Road Safety Partnership are:
- NPCC Seatbelt Campaign – £3,000 – 12 officers for 7 days, ring fenced to carry out enforcement to promote road safety.
- NPCC National Using a Mobile Phone Whilst Driving – £3,000 – 12 officers for 7 days, ring fenced to carry out enforcement to launch new penalty for using a mobile phone whilst driving.
- NPCC Carriage of Dangerous Goods (CDG) Campaign – £1,000 – 4 officers for 5 days to support CDG working operations to carry out enforcement for the purpose of road safety.
- NPCC Truck and Bus Campaign (Operation Mermaid) – £1,000 – 4 officers for 2 days from each force to support multi agency (Border Agency, HMRC fuel testing, Environmental Agency, Trading Standards) operations ring fenced to carry out enforcement for the purpose of road safety.
The four operations will be staffed by Rest Day Officers from the CDSOU, who volunteer for the extra shift(s.) They will be earmarked to only work on these initiatives, while on duty.
Officers will work a standard eight hour shift to deliver the initiatives, with the use of CDSOU equipment and resources (unmarked vehicles and fuel.) Rest Day Officers working will not be included in the roster for the standard CDSOU shift patterns.
It would be expected that each officer carries out at least 6 to 8 enforcement actions. Drivers will be dealt with by means of Traffic Regulation Orders with full Criminal Justice Unit administration, court, fine and diversion courses.
The PCC has approved all four initiatives. A report will be sent to the PCC following each campaign detailing the results.
Decision 23314. Road Safety Initiatives approval (application, 263kB)