Finances and spending
OPCC budget
The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) has its own dedicated budget for staffing of the office, engagement activities, audit provision and community safety projects.
Expenditure over £500
This page presents our expenditure over £500 (excluding VAT) showing who we paid, how much we paid, and what this was for.
Notice of closure of accounts
Every year, the OPCC and Cleveland Police publish a notice of closure of accounts. The notice tells stakeholders that they can examine the annual accounts for both organisations between specified dates.
Statement of Accounts
The Police and Crime Commissioner and Chief Constable of Cleveland Police are required by law to produce an annual Statement of Accounts.
Annual police budget
The Police and Crime Commissioner has responsibility for the police budget, which comprises a combination of central government grants and money from the local police precept.
Financial planning
The Commissioner is committed to ensuring value for money for the taxpayers of Cleveland and regularly monitors the Medium Term Financial Plan.
Police precept
The police precept is what residents pay towards the cost of policing, community safety and victims’ services in Cleveland. It is paid as part of their annual Council Tax bill.
Contracts and tenders
As part of the Specified Information Order, the PCC must publish information about the contracts and tenders held by their organisation.
Investment strategy
The Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland’s Annual Investment Strategy makes sure the PCC invests its money in certain ways. These are governed by national rules.
Commissioning of services
The Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner wants to make sure it picks the best option when commissioning services for the people of Cleveland.