The Police and Crime Commissioner has responsibility for the police budget.
It comprises of a combination of central government grants and money from the local police precept. (The police precept is the amount raised from local people via their Council Tax.)
Outside of the policing precept, by far the most significant amount of funding received is from central government grants. This amount is determined by a complex funding formula.
The Government provides a total of £121.86m of the £169.35m available to the PCC in 2022/23.
Where does funding come from in 2022-23?

Police budget breakdown
In 2022-23, Cleveland Police plans to spend £151.315m – more than £6m more than the 2021/22 budget of £145.045m.
The cost of wages for police and staff is by far the biggest area of Cleveland Police’s annual spending.
You can view a copy of the 2022-23 budget here alongside budget details for the previous three years.