Senior leadership
Lisa Oldroyd
Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer

Every Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) must have a Chief Executive. Her role is to support and advise the PCC. In addition, she helps with statutory duties.
The Chief Executive works with the PCC, Chief Constable, Chief Finance Officers and senior managers. This is to make sure the PCC’s vision, strategy and priorities are carried out.
As a result, the Chief Executive ensures rigorous scrutiny of all activities. She also provides leadership to the OPCC.
In addition, the Chief Executive is the Monitoring Officer. She must identify any breach of the law, maladministration or injustice. As a consequence, she must promote the highest ethical standards.
Lisa Oldroyd was confirmed as Chief Executive and Monitoring Officer in October 2021.

Michael Porter
Chief Finance Officer and Deputy Chief Executive
(Also Chief Finance Officer for the Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire)
The Chief Finance Officer (CFO) is the PCC’s financial adviser. As a result, he works works closely with the Chief Executive. He helps the OPCC resource and deliver strategic objectives.
The CFO must, therefore, fully consider financial implications, opportunities and risks as well as make sure actions are in line with the PCC’s financial strategy.
He champions good financial management. As a result, he ensures public money is safeguarded and used appropriately, economically and effectively.
A collaboration agreement is provided to the Office of the Police, Fire & Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire to enable Mr Porter to work across both offices.

Rachelle Kipling
Temporary Assistant Chief Executive and Deputy Monitoring Officer
The Assistant Chief Executive (ACE) leads across the OPCC and works closely with Cleveland Police.
She provides direction for the development, delivery, engagement and communication of strategic programmes.
The ACE is responsible for the following programmes:
- Delivery of the Police and Crime Plan;
- The equality, diversity and inclusion agenda
The ACE liaises with the Police and Crime Panel to make sure that there is support and oversight for the PCC’s work. She also advises on the continuous improvements of standards and ethics at a senior level.
Rachelle Kipling is the Commissioner’s Officer for Victims in Cleveland and taken up the roe of ACE temporarily.
Criminal justice and/or victims commissioning and partnerships
Supporting victims and reducing re-offending are key PCC commitments. Therefore, staff members commission and work with a range of local organisations to do both.
Victim services commissioned by the OPCC include the Victim Care and Advice Service (VCAS. ) It provides emotional and practical support to the most vulnerable victims.
A range of specialist services support victims of domestic violence, sexual violence and illegal cultural harms.
The OPCC organises and supports a number of multi-agency groups, chaired by the PCC. Groups work to make sure they are offering end-to-end services to support victims and witnesses, rehabilitate offenders and reduce re-offending.
Commissioner’s Officer for Victims
Commissioner’s Officer for Crime, Offending and Justice
Communications and community engagement
As part of statutory responsibilities, the PCC carries out extensive consultation and engagement. OPCC staff organise and support this.
In addition, staff help to make sure issues discussed during engagement are fed back to the force and feature in service planning and development.
The PCC also communicates with the public via the website, social media, a monthly newsletter and other media.
Communications and Digital Media Manager
Commissioner’s Officer for Consultation and Engagement
Media and Communications Officer
Digital Media Officer
Office management, support and casework
This team deals with telephone enquiries and correspondence. As a result, an important part of their job is public casework.
Work includes problem solving, responding to statutory requests, researching and providing information to a range of organisations and individuals.
Community Hub Advisor
Executive Assistant x2
Community Hub Advisor
Business Administration Apprentice
Organisation chart
OPCC Organisation Chart – October 2022 (application, 860kB)
Demographic information
This information has been provided by Cleveland Police’s Human Resources department. It has been collected via Equal Opportunities Monitoring data.
Total staff
28 (excludes volunteers, committee members and apprentice)
Percentage identifying as female
Percentage disclosing a disability
Not stated
Percentage identifying as Black, Asian or Minority Ethnic (BAME)
7.41% (18.52% of OPCC staff did not disclose their ethnicity)