Cleveland Police and Crime Panel is responsible for the scrutiny of the Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC.)
It is made up of 12 local councillors with provision to appoint up to two independent members.
The Panel has the following powers and responsibilities:
- Reviewing the draft Police and Crime Plan;
- Scrutinising the PCC’s Annual Report;
- Reviewing the decisions and actions of the PCC;
- Reviewing and vetoing the PCC’s proposed precept levels.
In addition, members can also seek the professional view of Her Majesty’s Inspector of Constabulary, Fire and Rescue Services (HMICFRS) on potential dismissals.
Also, they can agree a lead authority to hold central funding and provide scrutiny support.
The lead authority is Stockton Borough Council.
Membership of Cleveland Police and Crime Panel
The panel contains the following Cleveland elected members:
Hartlepool Borough Council representatives:
- Cllr Kevin Tiplady
- Cllr Amy Prince
Middlesbrough Council:
- Mayor Andy Preston
- Cllr Barry Cooper (Vice-Chair)
- Cllr Tom Mawston
Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council representatives:
- Cllr Stefan Houghton
- Cllr Tony Riordan (Chair)
- Cllr Steve Nelson
- Cllr Norma Stephenson OBE
Redcar and Cleveland Borough Council representatives:
- Cllr Graham Cutler
- Cllr Carrie Cook
- Cllr Chris Jones
Non-political independent members:
- Paul McGrath
- Luigi Salvati
Agendas and Papers of Cleveland Police & Crime Panel
All agendas, papers and future meeting dates are published on Redcar and Cleveland Council’s website.
Complaints Against Cleveland PCC
- Complaints received by the OPCC are referred to Cleveland Police and Crime Panel.
- The OPCC co-operates with the panel in relation to handling of any such complaint in accordance with the Panel’s policies and procedures.
- The Chief Executive can discuss concerns about ethics and standards with members of the public in respect of the PCC or the OPCC. She also works with Cleveland Police and Crime Panel in the event of any such concern involving a complaint against the PCC.
From 29 October 2019, the number of complaints received against the PCC is SIX.
Annual Report
The Police and Crime Panel produces an Annual Report to report on their work over a 12-month period. The panel has published the following reports: