The PCC holds a number of roles on national bodies and partnerships.
This is to make sure the voice of the PCC – and the people of Cleveland – is heard.
It is also means that Steve can share best practice and tap into expertise from a wide range of partners across the country. Memberships include the following:
Association of Police and Crime Commissioners
Joint lead for serious violence
The PCC represents the APCC on issues around preventing serious violence. He wants to make sure that policing has a consistent approach to serious violence across the country.
Joint Lead for Local Policing
Local policing looks at things like neighbourhood and community policing. It includes topics such as antisocial behaviour, community safety partnerships and Local resilience forums (LRFs.) LRFs plan and prepare for localised incidents and emergencies.
The Police Digital Service
Steve is a board member of the police digital service. The PDS looks at how digital, data and technology can be used by police to protect the public better.
Violence Reduction Units and Sport
The PCC is Chair of the VRU’s Sport, Youth and Serious Violence Prevention Board. It believes sport can play a positive part in turning young people’s lives around and diverting them from a life of antisocial behaviour and crime.