Police and Crime Commissioners (PCCs) must publish certain documents and information. This is highlighted in the following legislation:
- The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) Order 2011
- The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2012
- The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2013
- The Elected Local Policing Bodies (Specified Information) (Amendment) Order 2021
Therefore, we have outlined the information required. In addition, we have said where you can find it on our website.
Please note, links relate to the OPCC’s most recent information. That is, information for the previous or current financial year.
To view specific, historic information, please contact the OPCC. We can provide links to this.
Recognition of our transparency commitment
In October 2015, the OPCC for Cleveland was one of the first to get national recognition for transparency.
Chief Executive Bernard Rix awarded the CoPaCC Transparency Quality Mark to nine OPCCs in 2015 including Cleveland. CoPacc is an independent organisation, which monitors police governance.
Since 2015, Cleveland OPCC has retained the Quality Mark. In 2020-21, it was “highly commended” for its information.

Information requirements
Who we are and what we do
The i) name and ii) contact details of the PCC
Frequency: Updated when changes are made.
- Police and Crime Commissioner for Cleveland – Steve Turner
- How to contact the Police and Crime Commissioner – Contact Us page
Information on the internal structure of the OPCC including the following:
Organisation charts (with names of senior staff, if they agree to publication);
Salary bands;
Staff demographics including ethnicity, gender and disability (by proportion).
Frequency: Updated when changes are made.
- The OPCC Team
- OPCC Organisational Chart
- From May 2022, The salary for the Police and Crime Commissioner is £73,300.
- Salary bands for senior members of OPCC staff
Required: Information on arrangements to use chief officer and local authority staff
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
Currently, the OPCC has no arrangements for the standing use of police or local authority staff.
Conversely, OPCC staff working in joint corporate roles are featured on the Working with Partners page.
Required: Details of premises or land owned or occupied by the PCC for the purposes of work
Frequency: Updated when changes are made and reviewed on an annual basis
What we spend and how we spend it
Required: The budget for the office of the PCC, including the following:
- All planned expenditure;
- Anticipated revenue sources;
- Planned precept levels;
- The draft precept (which must go before the Police and Crime Panel for comment);
- Response to the Police and Crime Panel’s report on the proposed precept.
Frequency: Published before the start (or at the end) of each financial year
Anticipated revenue sources:
- Medium term financial plan
- Prudential indicators and annual investment strategy
- Minimum revenue provision strategy
Policing Precept
- Police precept – Council
- Planned precept levels
- The draft precept
- Response to the Police and Crime Panel’s report on proposed precept
Required: Details of grants (including Crime and Disorder Reduction Grant) made by the PCC, including:
- Conditions (if any) attached to the grant;
- Recipient;
- Purpose of the grant;
- Reasons it was considered that the grant would reduce, or contribute to reducing, crime and disorder in Cleveland
Frequency: Published each month
Required: Information on any item of expenditure over £500 (other than Crime and Disorder Reduction Grants) by the PCC or Chief Officer, including:
- The recipient
- Purpose of expenditure;
- Reasons why the PCC or Chief Officer consider the spending to be value for money (except in the case of contracts over £10,000)
Frequency: Published each month
- All Expenditure of the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner
- Expenditure over £500
- Effective procurement, based on value for money principles, supports the PCC in achieving this vision and meeting corporate objectives. Therefore, the PCC tries to make sure all activities are done with honesty, equality and integrity. As a result, all PCC contracts are subject to rigorous checking of value for money.
Required: Allowances and Expenses. Details of allowances and expenses claimed – or incurred – by the PCC including:
- Name, force area, financial year, month, date, claim reference numbers, expense type (eg travel, accommodation), short description, details of amount claimed, reimbursed or not reimbursed, and reason why a claim was not reimbursed;
- For travel and subsistence claims: date, departure and arrival point, category of journey, class of travel, mileage and length and category of hotel stay.
Frequency: Published quarterly
- Commissioner’s Expenses
Commissioner’s Expenditure - Chief Executive’s Expenses
Chief Executive’s Expenditure - Chief Finance Officer’s Expenses
Chief Finance Officer’s Expenditure
Required: Contracts and Tenders:
- List of contracts for £10,000 or less – including value of the contract, identity of all parties and purpose of the contract;
- Full copies of contracts over £10,000;
- Copies of each invitation to tender issued by the PCC or Chief Officer when the contract exceeds £10,000.
Frequency: Published quarterly / Updated when changes are made
1. Contracts under £10,000 (application, 19kB)
2. Contracts over £10,000 (application, 136kB)
Invitation to tender, issued by the PCC, where the contract exceeds £10,000.
Required: Senior salaries when the salary amounts to more than £58,200. Details should include the following:
- Names (with the option to refuse to publication of the name;)
- Job description;
- Responsibilities
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
Required: Audit:
Audited accounts (specialist examination of accounts of the office of the PCC);
Auditors’ opinions of audited accounts for the force and PCC, covering significant issues and comments;
Annual accounting statement showing how the budget has been spent;
Frequency: Published before the start (or at the end) of each financial year
Required: Investment strategy of the PCC (please see: Local Government Act 2003 s15).
What our priorities are and how we are doing
- Police and Crime Plan;
- The Annual Report;
- A copy of each collaboration agreement, or statement that an agreement has been made, and any other details, which the PCC thinks appropriate.
Frequency: Published annual
How we make decisions
- Dates, times and places of all public meetings;
- Public consultations.
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
Required: Agendas and discussion documents for public meetings.
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
Required: Record of every significant decision taken by, or on behalf of, the PCC
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
Our policies and procedures
Required: The following policies and procedures to which the PCC must adhere in the course of their role:
- Code of conduct (if any);
- Decision making policy;
- Complaints handling procedure as well as the number of complaints against the PCC recorded by the Police and Crime Panel (required by regulations);
- Information on the Independent Custody Visitor (ICV) scheme including the ICV’s process and policies
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
- Code of conduct
- Decision making structure and policy
- Complaints policy and procedure (and number of complaints against the PCC)
- Information about the operation of the ICV scheme
Required: Record management: i) record management information security policies, relating to records retention and destruction/archive policies; ii) data sharing policies (minimum standards to responding for requests for information)
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
Required: HR:
- Number of staff working for the OPCC;
- Diversity data. This includes the number of staff, who are women, ethnic minorities and disabled;
- Whistle blowing – clear guidelines on what to do if concerns are raised over the conduct of PCC and/or staff (see section 43B of Employment Rights Act 1996).
Frequency: Updated when changes are made
- The OPCC team (number of staff and diversity data)
- Whistle blowing – Public Interest Disclosure Policy
Public Access to a Register of Interests
Required: Register of any interests which may conflict with the role of the PCC. This includes any other pecuniary interest or paid position that they hold.
Frequency: Updated when changes are made and reviewed annually
Required: List of Freedom of Information requests received, and their responses (disclosure log).
Frequency: Published following disclosure
Required: List of all gifts, donations and hospitality offered to OPCC and whether they were accepted or declined.
Frequency: Updated quarterly
- Register of Gifts and Hospitality for the Commissioner
- Register of Gifts and Hospitality for OPCC staff
Key National Priorities for Policing
Required: A statement on the contribution of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body to achieving improvements against those priorities;
Required: An explanation of which of the national priorities are assessed to be applicable and which not applicable in the context of the relevant police area and the reasons for that assessment.
- Police performance – reports against the National Policing Measures
HMICFRS Inspections and Reports
Required: An annual report on the effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body;
Required: A summary assessment of the performance of the police force maintained by the elected local policing body.
Complaints handling
Required: The most recent— (i)quarterly data in relation to that police force; (ii)annual statistics report, published by the Independent Office for Police Conduct;